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Ever wondered what the statement, "All you need to succeed lies within you" means? Well, its not just some quote someone invented to make you feel better. Just before you were put in your mother's womb, God deposited certain things in you. Your mother might not have known but she was not just pregnant with you, she was pregnant with greatness. This has nothing to do with the circumstances surrounding your birth. It doesn't matter if you might have perceived that you were unwanted. You came into earth loaded with gifts, talents, potentials, creativity. But with all the issues and forces of life we battle with, most times we forget. And because you're not ready to fight, we settle for less, for mediocrity and join to celebrate those who were able to harness the potential in them. We forget what was embedded in us. No one was created to live this life and leave without leaving a mark, without others knowing you were here. No!
Those gifts and talents were put in you to leave your footprints behind. Your job was to stir them up and work on them, fine tune them to be able to uniquely showcase them. You were not just created to come, have a first class, get a good job, have a nice family and die. No, there's always something bigger that is attached to you. Something you're supposed to aspire to as a result of recognizing who you are and what your role is on earth.
How do you know? Simple! The best place to find out how a product works is from the manufacturer. So your maker knows what he put in you, how you're supposed to function. He's in the best position to tell you what you're supposed to be doing at a particular season or moment. This is why fellowship with him is indispensable.
Many people suffer from low inferiority complex because they do not know who they are. You can't depend on people to tell you who are yet that is what most of us do. If you had an inkling of who you are in Christ, we wouldn't settle for the kinds of lives that we live now. You would press in for more! Not minding the looming obstacles in your way. You would look at challenges in the eye and push till they give way.

Greatness lives in you and there are endless possibilities to what you can do if you start stirring up the gifts and talents in you. Great men and women who have achieved great fêtes were driven by their purpose. Let yours drive you to your destined position. Decide today to never settle for mediocrity again. Sometimes you have to speak to yourself, create mantra lines that'd get you going even in those rough times. You must understand that the path to greatness is not smooth and enjoyable but the end is worth it. There are times when you would have to be your own motivation, you'd have to keep moving even when no one else believes you can make it. And at that point when it seems like all the odds are against you, remember that you have what it takes to make it because greatness lives in you!


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