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Dear future husband,
I've been awake trying to imagine what it'd be like to live with one person for the rest of my life. I don't know if I've met you already, I just wonder if you also think about living with me. I watched The Wedding Party for the third time today and it gives me the same feeling each time. I definitely want to have a dream wedding, which girl doesn't? So I beg you please be responsible. I really hope you're doing something tangible with your life cause am trying my best here. The only thing that scared me in that movie was Broda Banky still asking how he could stick to one person for the rest of his life on the morning of his wedding. Pls I'm begging you in the name of God, figure that out before you even engage me. I cannot come and be crying and be running up and down on heels for that matter.
But then am also learning it's more than just having a dream wedding but having a happily ever after marriage. I believe it exists but we both have to work towards it.
We might not have started courting yet, its better that way. At least we can keep our hands off each other, I believe in bed undefiled, you should too. So in case you've asked me out and I said no, bear with me. I'm still trying to find wholeness without you, still trying to get so deep into God that you find him as you find me. Don't join the trend trying to form gangsta please, don't mind what they're saying, God is real, love him, get intimate with him, serve him not just because he's too big to owe but because he deserves it for keeping you alive for me. Hope you've started saving? I have o and just in case you have some girl in your life you're deceiving yourself with, treat her right because karma always pays too. Just don't finish all your money on shawarma, am currently praying that you receive sense if you're doing that already. If you're having sex with her, please it's wrong, go and read up about soul tie. You cannot come and be giving me headache in our marriage biko.
If there's anything telling you that you'd hit me and tell me something came over you as an excuse, it's the devil o! Run for your life or lose a promising wife. They call me 'auto correct' so please good english is very important to me. I work till I almost drop so I need you to help me, to tell me when to hold my horses, when to rest. But don't worry, we'll sort out most of these things during courtship. It won't be for just taking pictures and licking ice cream and at this point I must confess, am not a fan of public relationship. Aside the fact that village pipu are wonderful, I believe private things should be kept private.
Oh and prepare your mind, you're getting married to a neatness freak. Start organizing your room from this moment, don't wait till you invite a girl over. I also sing, all the time but fear not, my voice is not horrible. Work on yourself, push yourself to be the best, because our children will not go to 'otá ákárá' school, like I said before, am trying here too. Try not to sleep too much cause the bible says it brings poverty, am writing this letter as at 12:26am and I'll be up by 5am cause everyone in my house needs me to help them prepare for work. So you see, am learning, don't be afraid. 
Finally, make Jesus your love and all, he can give you much more than I can give. He's going to be the head of our marriage, this would make submission easier. Make sure you have spiritual authority you listen to so I can report you in case the nut in your head starts loosing. Lolzz...just kidding. But seriously, find a mentor, a pastor, someone who can talk and you'd listen to. I have a lot more to say but then we'll be talking{I could be a chatterbox sometimes} for the rest of our lives so no hurries. 
Love you in advance.

                                                                                                                              Yours faithfully,


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