Deep in the forests where the feet of man never dared to dread was were they abode, so creepy even fear itself shuddered. With grotesque creatures visible yet invisible for only those with the eyes of their spirit could see them. In circles the selected moved gyrating to the beats, hands and legs moving in rhythm to sounds created by whom they could not see. With the leaves in their mouth, no word was uttered but the language of the beyond echoed in their ears louder than their own heartbeats. As they moved gracefully, sweat glistening on their bodies, one by one they came to the middle of the circle laying down their treasures, beautiful destinies discovered and shining stars of the innocent for no tainted was worthy of the oracles. Soon the night was gone and the dance was done. One by one they transformed, flying away to humanity. But perhaps the drums had been too loud and the night too dark for them to hear or see the ones who had kept watch offering incense which had risen up above them. And so the way grew longer, their wings gave way as thunder struck. In utter confusion, down they went knowing nothing else but the fact that they would dance no more.
Dear future husband, I've been awake trying to imagine what it'd be like to live with one person for the rest of my life. I don't know if I've met you already, I just wonder if you also think about living with me. I watched The Wedding Party for the third time today and it gives me the same feeling each time. I definitely want to have a dream wedding, which girl doesn't? So I beg you please be responsible. I really hope you're doing something tangible with your life cause am trying my best here. The only thing that scared me in that movie was Broda Banky still asking how he could stick to one person for the rest of his life on the morning of his wedding. Pls I'm begging you in the name of God, figure that out before you even engage me. I cannot come and be crying and be running up and down on heels for that matter. But then am also learning it's more than just having a dream wedding but having a happily ever after marriage. I believe it exists but we b...
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