If anything, I have started to understand why our emotions cannot be trusted. You know something or someone is not good for you but, your cravings and coconut head emotions are clamoring for it, so bad that you eventually give in. Now, when you give in to their demands, those same emotions turn on you and taunt you for not being strong enough to resist them. Traitors, I tell you! Fear not, no boy has broken my heart.😆 I have just been having deep thoughts on how powerful or powerless my emotions can be based on the level of power I give them. If you read my previous post , you would be aware of the internal battles I've been dealing with since my mom passed. It will be four months in a few days, how time flies, although it still feels like yesterday. I found it amazing how I could be on an emotional high for days, living my best life and feeling good, and then without warning the dark gloomy blanket of sad emotions would rest on me, plunging me into days of depression and i...