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In my previous article, I mentioned quite a number of steps one could take towards the coming year in order to make it a successful and rewarding one. And there are other things I'd also want to share with you in that aspect. They might be things you already know but didn't think were important but I tell you they'd go a long way in making your year worth it.
Positivity is just like a vibe. It emanates from people unconsciously. And this is one of our major goals in the lair, to exude positive vibes to those around us and on this platform. Everyone wants to be around optimistic people. Those with a pessimistic view always have a gloomy outlook on life. Being positive draws people to you and increases your chances of meeting strategic people. Networking is very essential as no man is an island.
So then, how can you be positive?
  • Positive confessions. 

Always make positive confessions even in the face of negative circumstances. It might not be easy but remember, discipline is key. 
  • Self talk
Learn to talk to yourself but of course in the confines of your room or under your breath in the midst of people so they don't think you're crazy. Sometimes, you will have to be your only encouragement. Congratulate yourself when you've done well, its not a vice. It is not wrong to say good things about yourself.


Research has shown that it takes about 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile. The more you smile, the better you feel. As Joyce Meyer accurately puts it, "You're not fully dressed until you put on a smile. A smile is a facelift that is in everyone's price range"
Don't try to please everyone, don't fall into the trap of trying to please everyone. It would weigh you down and stress you up. Don't live under the tyranny of their expectations. Learn to cope with criticism, every great man or woman has had to learn that.

You have to be healthy to be able to actively pursue your dreams and goals. Cut down on junk eating and save your money. Eat right, eat healthy. Fruits and vegetables are essential. Drink lots of water to keep your system free of toxic substances.
4.  REST 
I'm still trying to figure out whee we Africans picked up the notion that resting is equivalent to laziness. There is a line between the two please. You have to rest your body so it can be up and active to pursue the next goals in line.

Ironically, this is the last point in this post but it was done on purpose so it'd be the last thing you read and first thing on your mind when you think of this post. God already knows what the end of your 2018 looks like, follow his directions and you'll get there in one piece. His word, the bible is like the ultimate guide. Find time to study and meditate on it. It would refresh and renew your mind.

So, this is me officially welcoming you into  the year. I hope and pray that 2018 turns out to be the best year ever for you and for me.
Let's roar together!


  1. Nice post Kiki.
    You totally summed it up. Shared a similar article here:
    Keep it up! One Love


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