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Showing posts from October, 2017

Your Picture of You

How do you see you? What do you think of yourself in your heart? What picture do you have of yourself in your mind's eye? The answer to these questions determine to a large extent what your life turns out to be like. It affects everything that concerns you and this is why having a good picture of yourself is necessary. You can never outperform the picture you have of yourself. There'll always be a synergy between what image is on the inside and the action produced outside. Firstly, your picture of you determines your relationships. Like begets like, and we unconsciously attract people like us. The people around you paint the picture you have of yourself. If you could at this very moment sweep through your friends list in your mind, you would find out that you chose them because there was some sort of bonding between you two which resonated from your inside. And these relationship have at some point influenced certain decisions you've made in life whether good or bad. Ever...

The Pain of Discipline

No one came to earth empty handed. God embedded certain kinds of talents and potentials in us and the moment we can dominate an area of the earth through those unique gifts and talents in fulfilment of his purpose, then can we experience true freedom. In dealing with the talents and responsibilities God has entrusted to us, we absolutely have to deal with the big D-Discipline because it is an integral part of God's testing program. Discipline is self imposed standards and restrictions motivated by a greater desire than the alternatives. Discipline is positive, not negative. God uses it to train you. True freedom is manifested in self discipline. A disciplined man is a free man, free in the sense that he is not bound by any form of hindrance in getting to his promised land. He has now taken responsibility for his life and is designing his destiny. There are two kinds of pain of which everyone must deal with one in life, either in the now or in the future. ♦The pain of disciplin...

The Blame Game

Nothing in society is more destructive than irresponsibility. The reason we have such conflicts and debilitating experiences in the world today is because the world is filled with people infected by the irresponsible spirit. Irresponsibility means not being answerable to authority, lacking a sense of accountability or not liable or able to answer for consequences. Even God's household of faith is involved in this sense of irresponsibility. When sin is confronted from the pulpit, the message is too often transferred to the person sitting in the next pew. Few want to hear a pastoral rebuke. Many Christians are loving unclean lives and don't want anyone to reprove or correct them. This is the spirit of irresponsibility. Irresponsible people are experts at transferring blame for their own irresponsible actions. Adam, the first man started this trend when he spoke in defense, "God, the woman you gave me....remember it was you who gave her to me...she gave me the fruit, a...

Perpetua, The Story

A heavy weight of conviction rests on my heart with a lot of questions running through my head and mind. How did she let go of her family, her status and most of all her child? How was a woman barely older than I am able to stand her ground and choose to die willingly? These questions gnawed at my mind as I watched the animated version of St Perpetua earlier today. She was a young woman of 22years, well educated and from a noble pagan home who decided to tow the part of her mother by becoming a Christian in 203A.D. She and her fellow christians were rounded up one night during fellowship and imprisoned. Her father was filled with rage as he threatened to deal with the slaves whom he thought had deceived his daughter. He took away her child which was eventually given back to her in prison, you cannot begin to imagine the state of the Roman prisons then. Alongside her were a couple of which the wife was heavily pregnant, 8months precisely and two other brothers, one was killed on th...

Arise O'Compatriots

Make way, Make way Some things I have to say A few answers from you I pray But first, I hope you enjoy the vacay I wish you would stop the complaints And rise to serve with love and faith Can't you see together we are bound? With one another our strength is found, Have you ever raised a prayer for me, Oh patriots with a noble cause? Did you forget my leaders come from you? What happened to "help the youths know truth"? Why have you become my Jonah? Refusing to guide my heart? Why have you depended on policy, Forgetting the paths of honesty? Why do you think you can lead me, To the land of promise, Forgetting the one who promised? Why have you refused direction From the God of creation? Does it make common sense To sit on a fence and throw stones, When to that fence your house is so close? Both built on your father's land? Awake, O sleeping giants For in you lies my triumph Arise, O compatriots Let's build me in one accord Arise, O co...